My first re-blogged animated gif. I only re-blog posts that really reflect me personally.
It's happened. I'm on Tumblr.
I like to keep my blog here somewhat “professional” (aka not my personal diary). I take the time to research & write articles. I write mostly about movies & TV, as that’s what I spend a lot of my life doing and therefor have thoughts on. I recently made a second blog/website for my business, The Bakestress, because my baking posts didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the blog and I needed a more professional landing point for the brand.
However, I’ve been thinking, and sometimes writing, some more personal stuff lately. Not as personal as “Dear Diary, This is what happened today.” but not quit objective enough to be on my blog. It’s more along the lines of “social observations”, quite often inspired by shows like Sex and the City or Girls. I realized I could be writing down and sharing my thoughts about being a single 23 yr old girl still trying to “grow up”. So, I decided to give Tumblr a try as a place to put some of my thoughts about life and the world we live in that are too long for Twitter, or even a Facebook status. It seemed like a more casual format than creating another Blogger because I can also “reblog” little things, or just post a quick picture or quote without the hassle of HTML formatting a real blog post.
Well, here I go. Tumblin’.
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